State Test Scores Improve for Ventura County Students

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Ventura County scores improved on the statewide California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) test, according to data released by the California Department of Education. For the 2015-16 school year, the number of Ventura County students meeting or exceeding the state standards increased by four percent in English Language Arts (ELA) and by two percent in math. The CAASPP test was introduced in 2014-15, making this the first time a year-to-year comparison is possible.

Ventura County scores were up in ELA and math for all but one ethnic group (ELA scores for African American students were unchanged) and all major subgroups, which include English learners and economically disadvantaged students. The percentage of Ventura County students who met or exceeded the standards for math and English language arts was one percent higher than the figures for the state of California as a whole.

“We are pleased to see steady incremental progress in the performance of Ventura County students on the CAASPP assessment,” said Stan Mantooth, Ventura County Superintendent of Schools. “Some local districts saw double-digit increases in their scores, and we welcome the opportunity to learn from their success and share their best practices countywide.”

Also known as “Smarter Balanced,” CAASPP is a computer-based test administered each spring in grades three through eight and eleven. The assessments are aligned to California’s new state standards and feature more short answer and extended response questions that require a deeper understanding of key concepts.

Ventura County Highlights
(including Las Virgenes Unified School District)

  • Fifty percent of Ventura County students met or exceeded the standard for English language arts, which is up from 46 percent the prior year.
  • Thirty-eight percent of Ventura County students met or exceeded the standard for math, which is up from 36 percent the prior year.
  • When looking at the Ventura County results for English language arts by grade level, high school students performed the best with 59 percent meeting or exceeding the standard. They were followed by middle school students at 50 percent and elementary school students at 46 percent.
  • When looking at the Ventura County results for math by grade level, elementary school students performed the best with 40 percent meeting or exceeding the standard. They were followed by middle school students at 37 percent and high school students at 33 percent.

Additional details are available in these charts.

Understanding the Results

Local schools are now in the process of mailing customized Individual Student Reports to parents. The reports provide a clear picture of how individual students performed in math and English language arts. The four categories of performance on the assessment are Standard Not Met, Standard Nearly Met, Standard Met and Standard Exceeded. For the first time this year, parents will be able to see how their children’s scores have progressed year over year. The reports also detail performance in seven key skill areas known as “claims” which include reading, writing and math concepts and procedures. This information allows parents and teachers to identify the areas where students can use some extra help.

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